Diagonal Works

We strive to support the development of more equitable and inclusive places through our belief in open, collaborative and data informed urbanism.

Trusted by

Manchester CIty Council
South of Scotland Enterprise
UCL Partners
Manchester CIty Council
South of Scotland Enterprise
UCL Partners

Empowering places

Many places have been planned in ways that only serve a small section of the population. This impacts people's experience of their surroundings, individually and collectively. As such, it affects the extent to which they trust and feel represented within planning and development processes.

We are excited to be part of a growing community of professionals determined to drive positive change and support places to become better for everyone, and to empower people to thrive.

"Do our residents have sufficient access to amenities?"

User interface of Skyline, a geospatial analysis tool. A colored map can be seen in the background, with a menu with statistics is shown on top

Transparent data analysis

We bring transparent, repeatable, and auditable approaches to data analysis. We use sophisticated and responsible analytical tools, including our geospatial computation engine (b6).

With that, we enhance planning strategies and assessment of impact, from masterplan to regional scales; we can help you evidence social impact and demonstrate ROI

We centre our offering around  four key areas.

Through our drive to achieve transparent, repeatable and scalable place-based analysis, we seek to build trust in the planning process, and to inform decisions that truly reflect wider public interests.

Strategic planning
Impact analysis
Feminist urbanism
Data science
We bring you tools to help you do more thinking not replace your thinking.