

Fostering open and responsible technology that transforms the built environment and empowers communities.

Open source tools for the built environment.

We have a duty to allow communities impacted by our work, to understand and build on our work. We open-source our tools to enable this - and to comply with our charter, which requires our work to be transparent.


Skyline is a geospatial data visualisation platform that empowers built environment professionals to make data-driven decisions.

Leveraging open data and responsible technology, Skyline streamlines scenario testing and collaboration, enabling the creation of more equitable, sustainable, and resilient communities.

Explore Skyline


We built Bedrock (b6) to explore geospatial data quickly and intuitively.
We released it as open source to allow others to reproduce and build on our analysis.
b6 reads a compact representation of the world into memory, and makes it available for analysis. With b6, we can explore large volumes of data across city-systems, interactively.
Explore b6

Privacy Enhancing Technologies

Our award-winning privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) enable the use of sensitive data for public benefit.

Keep data private, but make the analysis open. We build tools for defensible analysis, enabling third-party review of bias and risk.

Explore PETs
Privacy Enhancing Technologies